
Edge Computing: A Smart Data Decision Maker for Your Shop Floor

Technologies are scattered in a way that is creating a FOMO (fear of missing out) for all industry leaders. At the same time, the fact remains that not all technologies are built for all industries. At Roima, we identify and implement the right technology for our customers. We see Edge Computing as a key Industry 4.0 enabler for infinite possibilities in manufacturing industry digitalization.

Edge Computing: An overview

Edge Computing is an emerging topology of processing and computing client data closer to the source rather than on a centralized server or a cloud location. It is intended to improve data security, reduce latency, optimize bandwidth, and make smarter decisions closer to the source.


Why Edge Computing? When there is a Cloud Computing

Cloud computing comes with a lot of limitations and challenges network dependence, data security, downtime, and data transfer cost. Edge computing banishes such limitations and challenges to a certain extent. It is important to understand that Edge computing is not a replacement for Cloud computing. Although, both together work as a powerful data force.


Edge Computing Example

For wood processing industries, doing efficient root cause analysis on quality issues, and increasing supply chain efficiency are their highest priorities. To achieve these goals, gigabytes of production processing data need to be transferred to some centralized location. Data security, latency, accuracy, and reliability can be a challenge and overhead in the entire cycle.

With Roima Edge Computing service, the mission-critical decision can be made closer to the source without transferring gigabytes of data outside the premise. Additionally, it comes with the ability to make a machine-to-machine communication to perform any subsequence action on the factory floor.

Roima Edge Implementation Service: Azure IoT Edge

Azure IoT Edge is a fully managed enterprise-grade service built on the Azure IoT Hub by Microsoft. It is used to break up data silos and consolidate operational data at scale in the Azure cloud by deploying IoT edge on-premises.

Roima Azure experts help customers to deploy cloud workloads such as defect detection business logic to run at the edge and insist to send only a few data or messages to the cloud. This will also help to react more quickly to local changes and operate remote offline locations reliably.

On the technical hand, Azure IoT Edge works on Linux and Windows devices and can containerize workloads as well. Through the Azure IoT Hub cloud interface, it is easy to manage and deploy workloads to the devices..


Edge computing enables a lot of opportunities to unlock the potential of data. Sitting at the edge, it also eliminates legacy device protocol challenges while making quick decisions at a low cost.




Edge Computing: An overview

Why Edge Computing? When there is a Cloud Computing

Edge Computing Example

Roima Edge Implementation Service: Azure IoT Edge


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