



How does the LOGIA warehouse management system work?

LOGIA WMS is the all-in-one warehouse platform that can manage, optimize, and bind your entire warehouse and production logistics together. The platform consists of excellent planning tools that provide an overview and ensure efficient workflows. The user interface contains visualizations that guide employees through workflows, making it intuitive and easy to use. The WMS system can manage the manual warehouse, automatic storage equipment, production logistics, and shipping areas.

How can LOGIA help your business?

The WMS helps your business improve its competitiveness by increasing efficiency, enhancing better use of resources, and reducing costs. LOGIA enables your business to work smarter, minimize errors, and digitize and optimize the warehouse to a degree that makes investment interesting. All warehouse processes and equipment are managed in one platform, providing an overview, better planning, and optimization possibilities.

Can I select and combine applications in LOGIA myself?

LOGIA WMS consists of management packages covering the manual warehouse, automated warehouse, production logistics, and shipping areas. The control packages can be selected and combined in a myriad of combinations based on your warehouse and logistics situation. The warehouse management system is fully flexible, and you can expand the solution with new management packages as your business evolves.

How often are new versions released in LOGIA?

We continuously develop new or optimized functionality in LOGIA WMS. New versions are released with approximately 2 – 4 months intervals. The development of LOGIA is a continuous process that happens in close cooperation with strategic customers and partners. If a customer needs new functionality, it can be developed as part of LOGIA’s standard functionality.

Can I expand and upgrade my LOGIA-solution?

LOGIA is a flexible warehouse management system, which means it can always be configured and expanded as your business evolves and needs change. In addition, you can upgrade your LOGIA solution on an ongoing basis and benefit from new functionality that can improve your situation.

Is it worthwhile to invest in LOGIA?

A Return on Investment (ROI) calculation is useful for assessing whether it is worthwhile to invest in a warehouse management system. Roima has developed a tool to facilitate this process—and it is easier to complete the process than most people imagine. The business cases that have been completed over the last two years have shown a pay-back time in the range of 6 to 28 months. Businesses have been given a better basis for assessing and prioritizing investments. Also, they have gained greater knowledge of where to focus to realize the changes and gains that the estimated ROI is based on.


Can LOGIA integrate with ERP systems?

LOGIA WMS integrates with about 30 ERP systems, including SAP, M3, Visma, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and AX. Data on items, orders, the status of orders, inventory, and so on can thus be shared across the systems.

Can LOGIA integrate with delivery management systems?

LOGIA WMS has standard integration for nShift, Webshipper, and Coolrunner and other transport systems, so information can be shared across the systems. Therefore, freight booking can be made directly in LOGIA and become part of the warehouse workflows.

Can LOGIA integrate with automated warehouse equipment?

The warehouse management system can integrate with all automatic equipment regardless of make, including vertical storage lifts, pallet cranes, rail systems, and so on. You can use the automatic equipment that fits your warehouse. LOGIA WMS ensures that the capacity is utilized to the maximum.

Read more about management of automatic equipment.

Can LOGIA integrate with webshop systems?

LOGIA warehouse management system can integrate with Shopify and other webshop systems. Information about the availability of goods, inventory, items, etc. can be shared across the systems. Read more about webshop warehouse management.


What is a job scheduler?

LOGIA’s job scheduler automatically prioritizes, aggregates, and assigns picking and replenishment jobs. Among other things, orders can be prioritized according to shipping time and availability of goods, depending on the situation. For example, if inventory at a picking location is insufficient, the order is not activated. The job scheduler combines picking orders to batches, where several orders can be picked at a time. The combination is based, among other things, on the composition and volume of the orders so that it is adapted to the load carrier. Conversely, large orders can also be split into, for example, two picking orders. Warehouse workers are assigned a picking round that follows the most appropriate route in the warehouse and ensures that items are picked according to the order in which they are to be packed in the shipping packaging. This order depends on weight and other critical product characteristics.

What is a warehouse ABC analysis?

An ABC analysis aims to optimize the location of goods in the warehouse. It provides insight into which items are unsuitably placed and suggests the best location. The picking frequency generally determines the optimal position of goods. Goods with high picking frequency are placed at A locations, items with medium picking frequency are placed at B locations, and items with low picking frequency are placed at C locations. The locations are situated strategically in the warehouse in relation to picking, replenishment, and ergonomic height.

Learn more about ABC warehouse.

What is electronic kanban?

Electronic kanban is used to manage warehouse inventory. All items are registered with the minimum inventory that indicates when to order new items. LOGIA WMS automatically notifies the ERP system when the inventory reaches its minimum, so you never run out of items.

What is Advance Shipping Notice?

Advance Shipping Notice is used in the warehouse’s goods receiving area. This feature allows suppliers to send detailed information about the shipment and its contents before the warehouse receives it. This can include information about, for example, the shipment size, order information, item numbers, quantity, product descriptions, shelf life, etc. This means that all individual registrations in the goods receiving area can be replaced with a single scan of the total received shipment, after which all information is then automatically transferred to LOGIA.

What is batch picking?

Batch picking means picking for several different orders simultaneously. The warehouse employee will typically have more boxes on the picking cart in which the orders are distributed. This results in fewer picking rounds, which means that the internal transport time is reduced and efficiency is increased. The inventory management system LOGIA puts together the most optimal batches and guides the employee through the picking round. LOGIA’s visual user interface displays the picking boxes into which the goods are to be distributed. Visualization makes it easy to understand and minimizes errors. Orders can also be picked directly in the shipping packaging. LOGIA WMS indicates which packaging sizes the employee must use and where they must be placed on the picking trolley. LOGIA also has batch picking functionality, which is specially adapted for warehouses with many single-item orders such as webshops. With LOGIA’s Single Line function, all orders with only one item number are automatically collected in one batch pick. The goods are then transported to the packing area, where they are individually packed in shipping packaging.

What is cross docking?

Cross docking means that goods are moved directly from the goods receiving area to the transit area. When there are picking orders for incoming goods, which must be sent in the same quantities and packaging, for example, full pallets, LOGIA guides the goods directly to the warehouse’s transit area. The storage and picking process is bypassed, which saves time and increases efficiency. The WMS system has full control over FIFO and the durability of inventory. This ensures that goods are handled in a prioritized and appropriate order.

What is a vertical storage lift?

A vertical storage lift is an automatic storage solution that stores small items compactly in height. The solution is space-saving, as the height of the warehouse is utilized, and the items take up less space. The vertical storage lift contains shelves with compartments for the various items, which are driven at high speed to the opening of the automated lift when items are to be picked. The opening is located at an ergonomic working height, so the picking process is easy, fast, and convenient for the warehouse employees. The items-to-man principle means that internal transport is avoided, and process steps are minimized. Warehouse management software for automated storage lifts Vertical storage lifts are controlled by warehouse management software, which ensures that the right shelves are driven forward in the order in which the items are to be picked. The warehouse management system LOGIA has a management package that is specifically developed for warehouse storage lifts. The platform’s visual user interface guides the warehouse employee through the processes. LOGIA WMS has full control over all items in the storage lifts and ensures that capacity and speed are utilized to the maximum.

Read more about managing vertical storage lifts

Managing the entire warehouse To achieve the best results, the vertical storage lifts should be integrated with the rest of the warehouse. The WMS system is designed to control the entire warehouse, both manual processes and all automatic equipment. This ensures that everything is tied together and managed most efficiently.

Read more about the all-in-one platform of the warehouse

What is a storage robot?

A storage robot is a designation, which can cover different types of automatic equipment for the warehouse. Like storage lifts, storage robots typically require WMS management to ensure that the robot handles e.g., items or orders correctly. The WMS solution LOGIA can control all automated warehouse equipment in the same solution. This gives you full flexibility to choose and assemble the equipment that best suits your storage situation.

Read more about managing automated warehouse equipment

What is a Pick-by-Voice system?

With a Pick-by-Voice system, the picking process is voice-controlled. That is, the warehouse employees are guided through picking rounds via headset and confirms picking by talking in the headset. This gives warehouse employees free hands during picking. Hybrid Pick-by-Voice The WMS system LOGIA has a hybrid solution, where the well-known Pick-by-Voice system is combined with visual instruction on a tablet. The warehouse employees are guided via headsets and have info available on the tablet. This makes the picking process easier, minimizes the risk of errors, and creates more options. With LOGA’s hybrid solution, it is possible to run voice and tablet dialogues together, voice dialogues alone and tablet dialogues alone.

Read more about the hybrid Pick-by-Voice solution


Which companies can use LOGIA?

LOGIA warehouse management system can be used in all industries and warehouse types – food, pharmaceutical, webshop, 3PL, production, and so on. LOGIA has functionality that meets the requirements of even the most restrictive industries when it comes to data recording, certificates, and traceability.

Can LOGIA manage a pharmaceutical warehouse?

LOGIA WMS meets the pharmaceutical industry’s strict requirements for traceability, registration, and hygiene. All handling of goods can be registered using barcodes, and LOGIA ensures full control and traceability. The WMS system can also ensure that sterile and clean goods are handled correctly in the warehouse, so they remain sterile and clean. LOGIA manages, among other things, the warehouse at Hospital Sønderjylland, Abbott Rapid Diagnostics, and SSI Diagnostica.

Can LOGIA manage a production warehouse?

LOGIA WMS can manage the logistics between production and warehouse areas (e.g. raw materials warehouse, intermediate warehouse, finished goods warehouse, and spare parts warehouse). This ensures that materials and goods are delivered on time in production so that they do not take up space before or after use. Lean principles and simplified workflows provide efficient production logistics where capacity is utilized to the maximum.

LOGIA manages the production warehouses at Migatronic among others. Read more about LOGIA’s production logistics.

Can LOGIA manage a webshop warehouse?

LOGIA WMS has functionality that is particularly suitable for managing the many orders with short delivery times in a webshop warehouse. The warehouse management system automatically prioritizes the order in which orders should be handled and puts together picking rounds where, for example, 12 small orders can be picked at the same time. This ensures that the webshop can deliver many orders quickly and efficiently.

LOGIA manages the webshop warehouses at Flying Tiger Copenhagen and HiFi Klubben among others. Read more about webshop warehouse management.

Can LOGIA manage a storage hotel?

A storage hotel typically manages the warehouse operations for different customers with different needs. Therefore, the warehouse can consist of several separate warehouse areas that must be handled differently. Some customers, for example, have refrigerated or frozen products, which places special demands on handling and storage. LOGIA WMS has full control over where each customer’s goods are located, inventory, how much space they use, and the tasks the warehouse performs for them (goods receipt, storing, picking, shipping). It is therefore easy to settle accounts with customers.

Want to know more about LOGIA WMS?

Explore further by scheduling a demo through the form or by reaching out to one of our experts directly. We're here to assist you!

Learn more about LOGIA WMS